Thursday, 10 May 2012

im back..

well i guess i forgot about this... part of this fibromyalgia forgetting a lot...this has been happening a lot recently not good.
im back suffering back to the pain clinic on Monday :) new drugs maybe?
well Ive had to stop doing a lot lately cause of this stupid flare up no nights out few nights in with friends,
had to prospone learning to drive as well.
and work god so doped up on morphine there's no way i can work not sure what i can do anymore feeling a bit hopeless and that its rather annoying to be honest.
ive been trying to walk around the block about 3 times a day just to keep moving and helping my body with it all but im not sure its working just feel so rubbish everything's gone.
once again not only am i suffering with this fibro..ive got a bloody throat infection too so on the antibiotics (ha more).
however mum and dad are helping alot and starting to understand the whole fibro a bit more been showing them stuff on the net to help them understand stuff not quiet sure there really that aware though. there a bit frustrated with me because i cant seem to do much on my own or anything these days and its annoying asking for help and them being like your fine you can do it by yourself bla bla bla but me just getting frustrated cause i cant cope with doing it.
ive applied for alot of diff benefits to try and get some help while not at work DLA, ESA and a bus pass (which has come) and is very useful to get around anywhere cause its free woop :) even if it just means getting a bus to go into town a 5/10 minute walk if im having a rough day :).
anyway enough from me today ill write again when i have something or when i remember once again to write x

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

ahh so i havent blogged in forever lots has happened.
i left uni due to not being able to cope.
i broke up with the boyfriend.
i moved home with my mum :)
tablets are pretty much under control now
lots off less pain.
lots of nights out with my friends.
much more happier and positive
and alsoooo getting a job
got my playdate with a nursery tomo for my job :)
its all go
and learning to drive
ahhhh lifes really good now
im soo happy :D x